Feb 9, 2018 — Carbon has an electronegativity of 2.5 and oxygen has an electronegativity of 3.5, so there is an electronegativity difference of 1.0. The C - O bond does have a ...3 answers · Top answer: CO has a triple bond. Oxygen is more electronegative than carbon and so the molecule is polar ...
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The CO2 molecule has a zero dipole moment even though C and O have different electronegativities and each of the C = O bond is polar and has the same .... May 28, 2015 — The dipole moment of CO in water is thus calculated to be 0.3 D. Its tabulated value in the gas phase is 0.122 D. 48 For formic acid, tabulated .... Oct 22, 2018 — Hence the dipole moment of CO is low i.e. 0.122D. The resonance which suggests a dipole in the direction of carbon, and inductive effects, which ... 939c2ea5af